wooden garden room

What kind of garden room to choose?

If you like to spend time in your garden, you probably want to add more places to rest. And if you're reading this article, we're pretty sure you're thinking about building a garden room. We are all convinced that it is wonderful to have an outdoor room that puts us in touch with nature and at the same time offers security and the ability to sleep inside without worrying about bugs and reptiles as well as weather conditions. Consider carefully where in your garden the building should be located. The best option would be in some corner of the garden, but another place is also possible. Before we start building this "place" we need to be clear about what we will use it for. Will we read a book on a comfortable bed "hidden" from the noise of home and family. Whether we will drink cocktails under the shed of a comfortable chair or use this room as a sports area. We may even set up our office there. The possibilities are endless, but you need to decide this before you start building, because afterwards it will be difficult to adjust the garden building.

In terms of construction, the garden room does not differ from an ordinary house. And here we have foundations, walls and a roof. We have electrical installation and plumbing. This is a room like any other in our house, so we have to consider the ceiling height. The height of the walls must be at least 250 cm. It is very important that the room provides us with a panoramic view of the garden, therefore it is important that at least two of the walls of our new building are built entirely with French windows. Thirdly, the room must be large enough to accommodate a bed, desk, fitness equipment or other. (However, you will have to research up to what dimensions of the building you will need a building permit from architects and engineers, as well as under what conditions you will not need such documents). After we have defined all the characteristics of the room, it is time for the materials with which to build our place of relaxation.

A garden room made of wood would look most beautiful, but of course you can also use other building materials, such as plasterboard or bricks for example. Now we will look at each option separately. Wood is the most aesthetically pleasing material when it comes to a garden room. The advantages of wood are countless. In addition to looking cozy and being environmentally friendly, a room built from wood will save you money on thermal insulation, because wood is a good insulator. Building such a building is not a difficult task at all. The base of the wooden structure can be wooden or concrete, and it must necessarily be raised a little above the level of the garden. You can look at countless videos on the Internet and to make such a "mini house" yourself. The next option is to build your room from bricks, which is also not difficult. Brick is associated with strength and resistance, which is absolutely true. However, with this model, you cannot use a wooden base, because the weight of bricks is higher compared to that of wood. It would be best to cast concrete for the base of the garden room. Also, such a building is more associated with urban conditions and in my opinion cannot create that feeling for nature, like wood. However, you can combine the brick with windows in a characteristic oak color. A garden room can also be built entirely from plasterboard. Installation here is very easy and fast. There are also ready-made solutions that come in a finished form, but usually are more expensive. Do not forget that the appearance of your new "mini dwelling" should match the garden interior.

As for the roof of your garden space, it can be a standard tiled roof or a flat roof. If you want a classic look, go for the standard roof. A flat roof, on the other hand, will add a touch of elegance. After you are done with everything, decorate inside and outside. To decorate the outside, you can use different cladding. There are many different options on the market. From imitation wood to imitation stone, marble or brick. Outside you can add mini summer bar in front of the entrance to the garden room. We will not talk about the interior decor now, because it does not differ in any way from the interior decoration of our home.